The Word for Today
With Bob Gass
Wilderness Attitudes! We who...believed are able to enter...God's rest. - Hebrews 4:3 NCV |
After spending half their lives in the wilderness, the Israelites blamed it on their enemies. But it was their attitude that was at fault! Because God "was...angry...they were not allowed to enter...God's rest, because they did not believe" (Heb 3:17-19 NCV). Their doubting, complaining and blame-shifting kept them stuck in the wilderness; and it'll do the same to you. It starts with feeling sorry for yourself and thinking, "If only I'd been born into a different family, had a better paying job, a more Spiritual spouse, etc., this wouldn't be happening." And from there it spirals downward into a full-blown 'pity party' where everybody else is responsible for your problems. The truth is, 99 percent of the time the solution begins with a change of attitude - in you!
Another wilderness attitude that'll keep you stuck, is insisting on doing everything your way! Stubbornness will keep you stumbling around in the wilderness, seeing the Promised Land but never reaching it. Offering a sacrifice to God before going into battle was the way to victory. Only one problem: Samuel the prophet was the only one qualified to offer such a sacrifice. But pride and stubbornness made King Saul think he could. As a result he lost his life and Israel went down in defeat. Samuel told Saul, "Because you have rejected God's word, God has rejected you as king" (See 1 Sa 15:26).
Understand this: you don't have to do anything to earn God's love, but you must obey Him in order to walk in His blessings. So, what has God told you to do? If you want victory in your battles and success in your endeavors, start doing it!
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This message from The Word for Today came from Rhema Broadcasting Group Incorporated in association with The Vine, New Zealand. "The Word for Today"® is copyright © Bob Gass Ministries.
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