Thoughts Regarding God and Life
Hearing From God

The Word for Today
With Bob Gass

Bob Gass Hearing From God

He will be our guide. - Psalm 48:14 NIV

Jesus told His disciples, "The Spirit of truth (the Truth-giving Spirit)... will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth)" (Jn 16:13 AMP). Jesus spoke these words to men with whom He'd spent the previous three years. Now you'd think that if Jesus was with us personally for three years day and night, we'd have learned all there is to know. But Jesus said to expect more, because He will always have something to say to us about each new situation we are facing.

God wants to speak to you on a one-to-one basis. He wants to lead you step by step into the good things He has in store for you. He cares about the tiniest details of your life. Never hesitate to take what you think are small things to God; after all, everything is small to God! He even keeps track of how many hairs you have on your head (See Mt 10:30). He cares about the desires of your heart. He wants to reveal truth to you that will set you free from worry, fear, and limitation. His plan to share an intimate relationship with you existed before you were even born.

The Psalmist said, "All the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape" (Ps 139:16 AMP). Paul said that God "determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him" (Acts 17:26-27 NIV). Doesn't it stand to reason that if God plans all of our days, and where we're going to live before we're even born, that it's important for us to learn how to hear from Him?

SoulFood Bible Readings: Lam 1:1 - 3:39, Mark 9:14-29, Ps 119:169-176, Pr 19:9-10

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This message from The Word for Today came from Rhema Broadcasting Group Incorporated in association with The Vine, New Zealand. "The Word for Today"® is copyright © Bob Gass Ministries.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Are you 'Water' or 'Shell'?

Basking in the sun on the beach this week, I found myself mesmerized by the coming and going of each wave. The force of the wave didn't affect the fact that it had a mission... to reach shore, and to retreat once more to the sea. Controlled by the tides, moving endlessly within God's Creation, the water pushed and pulled against the shore. High tides and low tides, strong currents and light ripples. Each wave on a mission â€" each one focused. The waves didn't ask for an opinion on how to move, they just danced on the shore in step with the schedule of the tide. The water had no doubt that it would reach the sun streaked sand, and that it would draw shells and treasures with it as it moved along the shore line.

The seashells on the beach had a far different outcome. They were tossed along without mission, focus, or intent. Brushed up the shore with one swoop of water, the shells were drawn back to the ocean with the next wave's motion. Focused? Not at all; they were swept away and totally at the mercy of the water's movement. I can almost hear the shells call out to the surf, “oh, ok, I'll go with you, but I really wanted to move in another direction...” totally undecided; totally unsure of any true intention. Finally, by the force of the water and the changing of the tide, many shells were left abandoned on the beach with no way to reach the water's edge again... until the tide shifted and the waves returned to carry them home. The shells remind me of those who have no clear vision and have no sure focus. They are drifters with no firm foundation, sitting on the shore waiting for someone to carry them to a house so they can be put on display or for a wave to carry them home where they belong. Either way, the seashell clearly has not decided which way it wants to go... it waits for another to decide for it.

Which will you be? The water or the shell; focused on moving according to God's plan or carelessly dragged along by another's tempting scheme? What is the mission God has placed in your life? What is the focus of your calling? Spend time in the peace of God's plan for your life. Live there. Be mindful to rest in the fluctuation of the waves within your sphere of influence, moving as the Holy Spirit leads â€" back and forth, in a focused pattern of obedience. Nurture those around you who lack a clear vision or focus; and when necessary, carry them home.

© Jennifer Devlin June 2007
Author of 'Life Principles for Christ-like Living' and director of Ministry for Life.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007