Thoughts Regarding God and Life
Your Quiet Time With God 2

The Word for Today
With Bob Gass

Bob Gass Your Quiet Time With God 2

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek You. - Psalm 63:1 NIV

Stephen Olford said,

I want to hear God's voice before anyone else's in the morning. And His is the last voice I want to hear at night.

David and Daniel met with the Lord three times daily (See Ps 55:17; Da 6:10). Whatever time you set, be consistent. Put it on your calendar; make an appointment with God as you would with anyone else. And keep it. Don't stand Him up! The question is often asked, "How much time should I spend?" Here are some guidelines:

  1. Don't start with a two-hour quiet time. You'll get discouraged. You'll create memories of failure rather than memories of success. You must grow in this relationship as you do in any other. So begin with a few minutes and let it grow.
  2. Don't clock-watch. That'll ruin your quiet time faster than anything else. Decide what you can do in God's Word and prayer during the time you've selected; then do it! Sometimes it'll take more time than you have set aside, sometimes less. But don't keep looking at your watch.
  3. Emphasise quality, not quantity. It's what you do during your quiet time - whether 15 minutes or two hours - that's important.
  4. Choose a special place. "Next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the Lord" (Ge 19:27 NIV). Your special place ought to be a place where:
    • you can pray aloud without embarrassment;
    • you're comfortable. (Don't have your quiet time in bed - that's too comfortable!)
    As the days go by your special place will come to mean everything to you because of the wonderful times you have there with the Lord.
SoulFood Bible Readings: 1 Sam 27-31, John 3:1-8, Ps 110, Pr 23:6-9

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This message from The Word for Today came from Rhema Broadcasting Group Incorporated in association with The Vine, New Zealand. "The Word for Today"® is copyright © Bob Gass Ministries.

Used under 'limited copy' permission by:

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hearing From God 4

The Word for Today
With Bob Gass

Bob Gass Hearing From God 4

For the revelation awaits an appointed time. - Habakkuk 2:3 NIV

When God speaks to you it's not always wise to rush out and tell people. Actually, it can hurt you! When God gives you a word of direction it's often followed by a season of preparation.

Who wouldn't want to talk about the amazing experience Paul had with God on the Damascus Road? And there would be a 'right time' for doing that - but not yet. Don't go until God gives you the green light. Why?

  1. Because God may need time to prepare the hearts of those He is sending you to.
  2. You need time, maturing and equipping, so that the word you've received can take root and be fulfilled in the way God wants.

Paul writes, "Immediately after my calling - without consulting anyone around me and without going up to Jerusalem to confer with those who were apostles long before I was - I got away to Arabia... it was three years before I went up to Jerusalem to compare stories with Peter... Then I began my ministry" (Gal 1:16-21 TM). Paul had the wisdom to know that people would find his calling unbelievable. So he waited. He allowed God to go ahead of him and arrange the circumstances in his favour. And while he was waiting, he allowed the word he had received to grow in his heart and make changes in his life. Then, and only then, did he start doing what he was called to do. Paul didn't try to convince anybody, he let God do that. And the result? "Their response was to recognise and worship God because of me" (Gal 1:24 TM).

So don't get ahead of God's plan for your life. Be sensitive to His timing!

SoulFood Bible Readings: Amos 5:18 - 9:15, Mark 10:1-12, Ps 103:13-22, Pr 19:17

Tell your friends about The Word For Today e-mail service. If you've been encouraged by The Word for Today, then your friends will be too. NZ - Click here, UK - Click here.

This message from The Word for Today came from Rhema Broadcasting Group Incorporated in association with The Vine, New Zealand. "The Word for Today"® is copyright © Bob Gass Ministries.

Used under 'limited copy' permission by:

Your Quiet Time With God 1

The Word for Today
With Bob Gass

Bob Gass Your Quiet Time With God 1

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek You. - Psalm 63:1 NIV

When you come to meet with God you should have an attitude of:

  1. Expectancy. Expect to 'give and get' from your time together. And make it a time of intimacy. It's impossible to have a love affair in a crowd or a public place; intimacy calls for being alone with the one you love. The Bible speaks about Christ as the Groom and us as His bride. Think of the anticipation and excitement shared in such moments.
  2. Reverence. Don't rush into God's presence. Prepare your heart by being still before Him and letting the quietness clear away the thoughts of the world. Remind yourself Who it is you're meeting with - God! "You are receive glory and honour" (Rev 4:11 NIV).
  3. Alertness. Get to bed early so you'll be in good shape to meet God in the morning. He deserves your full attention. Give God the best part of your day - when you are the freshest. Follow the example of Christ: "Very early in the morning...Jesus...went off to a solitary place, where He prayed" (Mk 1:35 NIV). Hudson Taylor said, "You don't tune up the instruments after the concert is tune them up before you start."
  4. Willingness. This attitude is crucial: you don't come to your quiet time to choose what you will or won't do, but with the purpose of doing anything and everything God wants you to do. Jesus said, "If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether My teaching comes from God" (Jn 7:17 NIV). So come to meet with the Lord, having already chosen to do His will no matter what!
SoulFood Bible Readings: 1 Sam 24-26, John 2:12-25, Ps 23, Pr 23:4-5

Tell your friends about The Word For Today e-mail service. If you've been encouraged by The Word for Today, then your friends will be too. NZ - Click here, UK - Click here.

This message from The Word for Today came from Rhema Broadcasting Group Incorporated in association with The Vine, New Zealand. "The Word for Today"® is copyright © Bob Gass Ministries.

Used under 'limited copy' permission by:

Tuesday, October 30, 2007